India's Payment app.
Recharges, Bill payments and more..

Simplified payment solutions.
Everything under single roof for both businesses and customers.
Be it payments like Mobile recharges, Bill payments, DTH, Utility payments.
Bus, Train, flight ticket bookings, Hotel and Tourism bookings, we’ve got them all covered!

We are one of the pioneers in providing one stop solution in digital payments. Experience our seamless interface and simplicity.

Mobile Recharges
Recharge in a jiffy only at emobile!

Bill Payments
From water to Electricity bills, we’ve got’em all covered.

Get a brake-free entertainment from emobile DTH payments

New DTH Connections
Get new DTH connections for your home, hotels and offices.

Subscription Cards
Subscriptions of channel packs(ZeeTV, SunTV, etc)

Health/Travel Insurance and much more only at emobile.
Download The app
Made in India. For India <3
About Us
eMOBILE Services India Private Limited, a certified company by Roc, is India’s Smart Payments Solution Provider. emobile is in the business of services aggregation, distribute to E-shops with payment processing/collections. This business was initially built to services the Nation’s e-organic food/Telecom/DTH/utility bill payments Operators, Multiple Services Providers and Pan India and to provide easy access to the people of India, to pay for services at their neighbourhood E-shop stores. 5years on, emobile Services continues to lead the industry in the Recharges, Money Transfer & Bill Payments space. emobile now empowers many large format E-shop chains, mobile wallets, websites and B2C portals, to enable easy merchant payments using emobiles’ aggregated services for their own customers.

E Shop
E mobile's E shop for digital India is an automated controlled bulk notification service.
Bulk SMS
Send your customers bulk SMSes
Bulk emails
Send bulk emails to your contacts
Product Catalogue
Upload your products and showcase it to the audiences.
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Reach Us
Registered Office: EMOBILE services India Pvt Ltd
Flat Number 28, Vishakha A colony, Peedapadu road, Srikakulam 532001
Corporate Office: H.NO 8-3-167/K/49/203, Kalyan Nagar, Venture-3, Motinagar, Hyderabad - 500018